Rebekah was 45 when she entered peri-menopause which meant night sweats, heightened anxiety about stuff she used to do relatively confidently, a lot of anger, bloating and a nice dose of random skin breakouts! Though the doctor told her she was too young to be menopausal, she trusted her knowledge of her own body and dove deep into research. When Rebekah headed to her local health food store to see what supplements were available to help, she found that they all seemed to target ‘end of life’ rather than mid-life! This was the fuel she needed to start her own range of smart supplementations and science-backed lifestyle interventions, a brand she named LIMINAL. She has built a community that co-creates products and complimentary programmes to nourish the body and mind during all stages of menopause, a huge feat in a world slow to recognise the phenomenal wisdom and value we bring as we age.


Rebekah Brown


Selfridges, Naturisimo, A Little Find, Cult Beauty